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Prices of driving schools in Kuwait

Pricing of driving education offices in Kuwait As for the pricing of driving education offices in Kuwait, the agreed upon between the education offices is 10 dinars for the instructor every two hours, and if she is a trainer, then the two hours are 15 dinars because the female trainers are few, which causes the difference in prices, and the demand for them is great because some families They refuse the girl to go out with a coach, even with a chaperone.

The difference between the trainer and the female trainer is that the trainer is more skilled because the trainer prepares the trainee to drive on the street so that the trainee will not be shocked when he goes out into the street after the end of the training. As for the trainer, she is a supervisor and depends on the education area only, while the trainer takes the trainee to the streets where driving is allowed, where He practices roundabouts and turns when there are cars, so he experiences the atmosphere of driving on the street, and the awe and fear leave him, and he develops courage.

The trainer trains 3 people daily, meaning from 6 to 9 hours, and the most prominent problems that the trainer faces are the problems of the people of East Asia who do not know the laws of the roads and the street and see in Kuwait many regulations, signals and roundabouts that do not exist in their country, where they are accustomed to crowding. Going in the opposite direction and other matters. Teaching them the law and order is sometimes difficult. Special conditions for the car to be suitable for training

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